Saturday, August 14, 2010

Old and New

I have wide feet. Shortly after I was born, my Uncle Lou looked at me and said, “This kid is never going to tip over.” Back when shoes came in widths, I was a D. So finding shoes that are comfortable is difficult and when I find some good ones I hang on to them as long as I can. Someone years ago suggested skateboarder shoes because you need the most control over the board. I have never been on a skateboard, but I got a pair of Airwalks. They are great.
With time, though, even our favorite things wear out. I tend to try to get the most use out of things, but you reach the point when they just don’t work anymore. I was in Seattle a couple years ago when I noticed the ground seemed unusually bumpy, especially for a sidewalk. Then I noticed why. I had holes in my shoes.
We have many things that are dear to us and hard to let go of. But the time comes when they no longer fulfill their function and we need to look for something new. The adjustment can be a challenge, just like breaking in new shoes. But the point comes when what was comfortable isn’t any longer and then it is time for the new.

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