Friday, November 5, 2010

The Old Testament readings in worship these past few weeks have been from the book of Jeremiah. He was one of the prophets who spoke for God. Jeremiah 4.11-12, 22-28 gives the message that Israel is going to be judged. But his message does not lack hope; it is that there is life after the judgment. In fact, one of the book’s most memorable passages reminds God’s people that God has good ahead for them:

"For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope." (Jeremiah 29:11)

It is something they need to believe in and wait for in order to experience it. And when it comes along, they are to be a part of it.
It is hope that gives us joy in life and makes the future possible. It is faith that brings us to join in what God is doing. One of the things that was a highlight of the summer for me was the Vacation Bible School that the Lewiston-Altura Ministerial Association held in August, hosted at the Christian Crossings Center. Normally, my schedule is pretty tied up at that time, but this year is was free and I was glad for that. The theme of the week was Noah and the Ark and it was run on the rotation model in which the kids went to different stations (crafts, music, Bible study, games, and snacks) after an opening play. Despite it being the hottest week of the summer, we all had fun. I helped with the first and second graders. I learned that you can glue Fruit Loops and animal crackers to paper.
The highlight of all this was one young fellow who came one evening and seemed sad. While we didn’t have time to help with whatever it was that bothered him, at least we could give him an enjoyable time at VBS. With a little encouragement, he got involved in the activities. I thought of the great opportunity we had there, the chance to learn about God and be together with friends and I ran out to the playing field yelling, “Games! Games!” and behind me was this little guy running and yelling, “Games! Games!”
To enjoy the good things that come our way we have to get involved. There are many opportunities in our churches for fellowship and service, as well as joining together in worship. These are the directions God is leading us and we have to set aside our excuses and reluctance to join in. That will change what we experience. Imagine what church would be like if we all ran up to it yelling, “Worship! Worship!” or “Mission! Mission!”

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